Pumps don't operate in Regulate pH and Electrical Conductivity Function

In Regulate pH and Electrical Conductivity, when ec is below low, the Peristaltic EcA, EC B pump is not operated and the conditional controller operates the Peristaltic pump.

Currently, ec is 1400 and the setting is 1700~1900 and wait for more than 10 minutes.

Have you updated Mycodo to the latest code by upgrading to master? @CaptxP has confirmed EC regulation has been fixed in the latest version of the Function.

yes. set to upgrade master button click.

That doesn’t perform the upgrade. Follow the instructions I provided previously:

thank you . 8.15.0 → 8.15.6 ok, Peristaltic EcA, EC B pump working.

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Hi Kyle,

the fix works.

Thank you for your fast response and action. Awesome!