Sensors stop giving readings after an hour or so, wont reinitialize

Yeah I’m having trouble with my SHT-31 aswell, Im not sure if its Mycodo or the I2C cable getting too much noise or getting stuck or something along the line, if I spam I2cDetect on the Pi console occasionally I get the adress for the sensor to show, but more often than not its blank.

When Im unable to get any response with spamming doing a hard reboot on the Pi can bring it back, but only when I first disable the I2C device in Mycodo.

I am on Mycodo 8.15.12

edit: first thing I’m going to try tomorow is see if I can route the cables for the sensor better so that interference is less likely. maybe shield the cables with some aluminum tape.

I can’t speak for older mycodo versions so I can’t really say if this is some sort of regression on the I2C handling.

edit2: after reading a different thread on this forum, I’ve also put in an order for an LTC4311 I2C extender/active terminator.