A01NYUB is an waterproof ultrasonic distance sensor from DFRobot. I use this to measure the water level in my main water tank. You can download the library and an example file through a GITHUB page. Library is in python and the example file also.
Since I am not a developer and not very keen with python programming and after a lot of tries to write a script to add the sensor in mycodo library through custom input with no luck (as instructions and example files proved not very helpful, to me at least), I came up with a workaround by using BASH Command input
If you face similar problem, here is what you have to do
First you need to make some changes.
Go to directory
“/home/username/DFRobot_RaspberryPi_A02YYUW/examples/” (replace username with username you chose when installing Raspbian)
Make a safe copy of the original file “demo_get_distance.py”
cp demo_get_distance.py demo_get_distance.py.bkp
sudo nano demo_get_distance.py
Delete all and Paste the following
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
@file demo_get_distance.py
@brief Get ranging data.
@n Connect board with raspberryPi.
@n --------------------------------------------
@n sensor pin | raspberry pi |
@n VCC | 5V/3V3 |
@n GND | GND |
@n RX | (BCM)14 TX |
@n TX | (BCM)15 RX |
@n --------------------------------------------
@Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
@license The MIT License (MIT)
@author [Arya](xue.peng@dfrobot.com)
@version V1.0
@date 2019-8-31
@url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_RaspberryPi_A02YYUW
import sys
import os
import time
from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_A02YYUW import DFRobot_A02_Distance as Board
board = Board()
def print_distance(dis):
if board.last_operate_status == board.STA_OK:
print("%d" %dis)
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_CHECKSUM:
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_SERIAL:
print("Serial open failed!")
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_CHECK_OUT_LIMIT:
print("Above the upper limit: %d" %dis)
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_CHECK_LOW_LIMIT:
print("Below the lower limit: %d" %dis)
elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_DATA:
print("No data!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Minimum ranging threshold: 0mm
dis_min = 0
#Highest ranging threshold: 4500mm
dis_max = 4500
board.set_dis_range(dis_min, dis_max)
distance = board.getDistance()
Save and exit
These changes return one single value so mycodo can use store and display it.
Create a bash file in home directory for example. I named it A01NYUB.sh
Open it and Paste the following:
python3 /home/username/DFRobot_RaspberryPi_A02YYUW/examples/demo_get_distance.py
replace username with username you chose when installing Raspbian
save and close
from a termina run
chmod +x /home/username/A01NYUB.sh
replace username with username you chose when installing Raspbian
And last step
on mycodo go to Setup/Input
Choose from the dropdown menu “Linux Bash Command: Return Value [Mycodo]”
In the window that opens
In Options section in the Command box paste
In Custom options in the box User enter username you chose when installing Raspbian
And next to it in Current working directory type
replace username with username you chose when installing Raspbian
click save ad then click close
Activate the input you just added
P.S. I know this is basic knowledge to most of you but if I had this earlier It could have saved me a lot of time trying. I suggest that somehow it is a good start for a more detailed manual for beginners like me