Camera images storage space

My memory card is full and Mycodo can hardly be controlled anymore. Where is the storage space when using a camera? I just couldn’t find the folder.

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I had the same problem a few weeks ago and had to think about what the problem was. The memory was completely full and I couldn’t see any measurements anymore.

The photos are normally saved here: home/“user”/Mycodo/cameras/“Folder of your Camera”

But first you have to have the necessary rights or your user has to be in the Mycodo group to be able to access them. Enter the following in the console:
sudo adduser pi mycodo
(Replace pi with the Raspberry Pi user you normally use to access the console. You’ll need to log out and back in for it to take effect.)

Since then, every 2 weeks I copy all new photos to my computer and delete the photos from the Raspberry Pi. WinSCP is pretty convenient for this, as it has a graphical interface.

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Thanks alot!

System is now running again. I was already in the folder myself, but nothing was shown to me. Multiply because of the user.

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There is an rsync Function I made for this exact purpose. It periodically moves photos from your Pi to another remote system, to prevent running out of storage space.