I’m currently running MyCodo on the latest Rasberry Pi “Bullseye” OS. Bullseye got rid of the raspistill camera library and replaced it with the updated LibCamera library (here). As a result none of the currently available camera libraries on Mycodo are working, despite the camera being enabled via the terminal/configuration. Mycodo tells me I still need to enable the camera (when using the raspistill and picam libraries) or returns a terribly distorted image (when using the FSwebcam or OpenCV libraries).
I can however, easily take a quality image with the Pi Camera via the terminal by running libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg.
How can I get MyCodo to use the LibCamera library when using the Camera? or is there another solution altogether?
Libcamera will need to be added and there isn’t currently an easy way to do that like there is with Inputs/Outputs/Functions. If I get time, I’ll add the new library. Thanks for the heads-up about the change.
Update: Raspberry Pi OS has been forked and now has a new legacy version of Buster that should contain the PiCamera libraries. I have not tested this and confirmed it works with Mycodo. However, you can also now update Bullseye and then add support for PiCamera. I have tested this with Mycodo and I can confirm it is working correctly for me. Instructions here: Use Picamera with Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye - YouTube
I just committed the addition of libcamera to Mycodo. Upgrade to master if you would like to test and let me know if you experience any issues. I’ve tested with a Pi4 and the Pi HQ camera.