Custom SSH motd banner

I’d upload my file but I don’t think it will let me but the contents my motd are the following:

  __  __                     _
 |  \/  |                   | |
 | \  / |_   _  ___ ___   __| | ___
 | |\/| | | | |/ __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \
 | |  | | |_| | (_| (_) | (_| | (_) |
 |_|  |_|\__, |\___\___/ \__,_|\___/
          __/ |
                     .'o  oOOOo`.
                    :~~~-.oOo   o`.
                     `. \ ~-.  oOOo.
                       `.; / ~.  OO:
                       .'  ;-- `.o.'
                      ,'  ; ~~--'~
                      ;  ;


So MetaSploit has different banners and I thought it be cool if the community posted some of their Banners if other people ssh’d in and made their own ever. Potentially update it from time to time or other ideas people had come to mind.

Anyway wanted to share this


This is awesome! Thanks!