Daily Timer Output Error

I have set up a daily timer trigger span for the grow lights, testing it with a LED on GPIO.
It doesn’t turn on.
I get this in the daemon log:

2024-02-10 16:22:00,241 - DEBUG - mycodo.controllers.controller_trigger_4d05751e - Executing Trigger Actions
2024-02-10 16:22:00,450 - DEBUG - mycodo.action.output_on_off_43cc54ad - Message: 2024-02-10 16:22:00
[Trigger 4d05751e-1054-4364-b870-1651d7738443 (Grow Lights ON)] Turn output None CHNone (I/0 Expander) .
2024-02-10 16:22:00,451 - DEBUG - mycodo.trigger_action_43cc54ad - Message: 2024-02-10 16:22:00
[Trigger 4d05751e-1054-4364-b870-1651d7738443 (Grow Lights ON)] Turn output None CHNone (I/0 Expander) .
2024-02-10 16:22:00,451 - DEBUG - mycodo.trigger_controller_actions_4d05751e - Message: 2024-02-10 16:22:00
[Trigger 4d05751e-1054-4364-b870-1651d7738443 (Grow Lights ON)] Turn output None CHNone (I/0 Expander) .

The log indicates you didn’t press Save on the Action.

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