Hello to the community

Hello to all of you.
I’m Alain from east of France (not far from Geneva)
I manage a non-profit association “FabLab champagnole”.
I’de like to build an hydroponic system in a shiping container.
I’de like to use Mycodo (not sure yet).
I hope we will chat together about this amazing subject

Hi Alain,

Welcome. What would you like to discuss? I have an initial question I’m curious about: why are you choosing to grow inside a shipping container with artificial light instead of using sunlight?

Hi Kyle,

I work in a non-profit association who work with young adults to help them to be prepared to work and find a job. We work on a big smart project wich do not use to much surface and where we can work all year round independently of the weather. So we made this choice, not for money reason but for others reaons. Our goal is not really to produce but to involve the youngs. I think your software is the right thing we need, Right now I’m reading all your documentation to understand if it’s good four our projet.
I’m not sure, but I think your are the creator on Mycodo - if its the case - congratulation. I ll install the first instance soon, on a rapsberry.
Thank you for welcoming me.
My association is FabLab de Champagnole in the town of Champagnole in the east of France between Lyon and Geneva.
Have a nice day .