How to wire the C02 Sensor and UART to USB Converter

How do I wire the C02 sensor and the UART to USB Converter that was provided in the “Materials & Parts” list for the Automated Hydroponic System project? Specifically, it is hard for me to see using just the photo to decipher where each wire goes. Moroever, there is no circuit schematics for wiring the C02 sensor. Thus, is it possible for a greater explanation of how to properly wire both the C02 sensor and the converter? The part that confuses me is the wires between the C02 sensor and the temperature sensor because it seems you rolled up yellow, brown, and white wires together. However, I am not sure where the jumper wires (in red, black, and red) from the UART to USB converter head to and what they connect to. Lastly, I am not sure where the wires from the C02 sensor itself connect to.
Thank you for your help and assistance! I hope to hear back from you soon!

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Connect as follows. Vin from USB to 5Vin of sensor, GND to GND, TXD to RXD and RXD to TXD. only 4 wires are required. Then connect UART USB to PI USB port using data cable.
Vin-5V power
GND- Power Ground
RXD connect sensor TXD
TXD connect sensor RXD

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