Is DFRobot's Gravity ph/ec sensor only available for ADS1115:Generic Analog PH/EC input in setup-input?

Can’t I do other manufacturers’ ???

Do I need an isolator like this?

Other manufacturers of what? Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)? You can use whatever ADC you want, but that doesn’t mean 1) the ADC is supported in Mycodo/Python/SBC, or 2) there’s an Input module that interprets the pH/EC analog voltage and converts it to a meaningful value. The ADS1115 and ADS1256 Generic pH/EC Inputs work with most analog pH/EC devices, not just Gravity’s.

You don’t need one, but your measurements will likely not be accurate. You should always isolate pH and EC sensors, especially if they are in the same liquid.

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I agree with this. It caused me lots of trouble. But as far as I know, one isolator module would suffice the need. You can also inspect Kyle’s answer on this topic.

Do I need only one insulator module for ph?
Don’t i need an ec?

Do I need only one insulator module for ph?
Don’t i need an ec?


I mean, you can use both for them but the idea is to isolate the sensors from each other. Once, you do for the one, then they become isolated from each other. I might be wrong though but this is what I got from this video.