MQTT Walkthrough Request (video or steps)

Is there a chance anyone is willing to create either a video or step by step tutorial that demonstrates what to do after you purchase an esp32 or 8266, what to flash, and how to make it communicate with the pi? I honestly have no idea where to begin but I know it would be an extremely powerful tool to send data and receive controlling inputs upon conditions or manually. Thanks in advance!

Can you provide some more details about what you want to do, specifically? Here are some resources I found that do what you’re describing…

Read BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure with ESP32, publish measurements to MQTT broker running on Raspberry Pi (mosquito server), and subscribe with Node-RED (in your case you would subscribe with the MQTT Subscribe Input of Mycodo):

Here’s a similar tutorial to the one above but using the DS18B20 temperature sensor:

Here’s a tutorial that publishes to the HiveMQ public MQTT broker for testing publishing: