I’ve soldered the resistors and two 2N3904 transistors, and the 3.5mm connection onto the speed control board for the Terrabloom fan. The Voltage is to the 3.3v terminal block, grd. To grd. terminal block, Rx to Tx, Tx to Rx. When I plug the Terrabloom fan into the 3.5mm connection it powers the fan and it stays on regardless of changing the duty cycle. I’ve checked the soldering and measured the resistors. Am I using the wrong transistors perhaps? I added the Pigpio GPIO PWM for the outout and followed the settings stated in the Mushroom Cultivation project. It seems I’m on the right path, just need to sort this always on issue and the PWM control.
I switched the pins (19(pwm), 26(tach)), to a designated pwm pin for the raspberry pi at 12 (pwm) and 18 (tach). Added the PWM Raspberry Pi GPIO output and set the pin: GPIO(BCN) to 12, and it works.
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In your PWM Output settings, there is a field that lets you choose between hardware generated PWM signal or software generated PWM signal.
Software generated PWM…
Hardware generated PWM…
If you use the “Hardware Pin” setting, then you must use the GPIO pins that are dedicated to hardware generated signal…
If you use the “Any Pin” setting, then you can use any pin as the PWM signal will be generated by the software rather than the dedicated PWM hardware signal generator.
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