“Message about dependencies: The Python package Adafruit-extended-bus==1.0.2 was not found to be installed because ‘adafruit_extended_bus’ could not be imported. The Python package adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15==2.2.12 was not found to be installed because ‘adafruit_ads1x15’ could not be imported.”
is there a simple tutorial with photos of how the pi is setup etc?
need to do monotoring of a greenhouse and temp humidity to get vpd and possibly ph
Have dfrobot sensors but havent had any luck with this at all
Dependencies must be installed before they can be imported/used by an Input. Were the dependencies successfully installed? You’re presented with a log of the install process when you press the install dependencies button, which is also accessible on the log page.
yep they install successfully, and just loop back to the same dependencies required again… even after all types of restarts.
i’ll reformat the sd and start over.
Just bought a bunch of adafruit breand sensors bosch BME280 and another ds18b20
hey sorry i got a little hasty and just flashed os again and started all over.
it appears to work now so if it does show up again i’ll post up the log.
still cant get a reading from the sensor i have. dht22 plugged into gpio4 bcm 7
tried a standalone script and sensor works by the looks of it.
what am i missing with the setup?
2024-03-02 05:20:59,856 - INFO - mycodo.controllers.controller_input_ab710492 - Deactivated in 1443.7 ms
2024-03-02 05:23:44,227 - DEBUG - mycodo.controllers.controller_input_ab710492 - get_measurement() found
2024-03-02 05:23:44,229 - DEBUG - mycodo.controllers.controller_input_ab710492 - listener() not found
2024-03-02 05:23:44,230 - INFO - mycodo.controllers.controller_input_ab710492 - Activated in 179.4 ms
2024-03-02 05:23:54,706 - DEBUG - mycodo.inputs.dht22_ab710492 - Could not acquire a measurement
2024-03-02 05:24:09,689 - DEBUG - mycodo.inputs.dht22_ab710492 - Could not acquire a measurement
2024-03-02 05:24:24,675 - DEBUG - mycodo.inputs.dht22_ab710492 - Could not acquire a measurement
2024-03-02 05:24:24,676 - ERROR - mycodo.controllers.controller_input_ab710492 - StopIteration raised 3 times. Possibly could not read input. Ensure it’s connected properly and detected.
2024-03-02 05:24:39,757 - DEBUG - mycodo.inputs.dht22_ab710492 - Could not acquire a measurement
2024-03-02 05:24:54,745 - DEBUG - mycodo.inputs.dht22_ab710492 - Could not acquire a measurement
2024-03-02 05:25:09,736 - DEBUG - mycodo.inputs.dht22_ab710492 - Could not acquire a measurement
2024-03-02 05:25:09,737 - ERROR - mycodo.controllers.controller_input_ab710492 - StopIteration raised 3 times. Possibly could not read input. Ensure it’s connected properly and detected.
If you are using GPIO 4 then you put 4 in the GPIO field in the setup, not the physical pin number (7).
Usually sensors are not GPIO driven, they use the I2C bus on the Pi.
If your sensor has 4 wires (GND, VCC, SCL, SDA), then it’s most likely an I2C sensor.
DHT22 communication is over 1 pin. It was one of the first sensors supported by Mycodo, but there are far better and more reliable sensors that are recommended. If you hover over the GPIO field, you should see that it specifies BCM numbering.
Why use “BCM” numbering? Just call it the GPIO number. I think that causes a lot of confusion. The Pi is not labeled with the BCM numbers. Most breakout boards are labeled with the GPIO numbers, not the physical pin numbers.
I think you have a misunderstanding. BCM numbering is what you’re referring to as “GPIO” number.
BCM numbering is preferred over physical pin numbering because it is the same as the listed GPIO numbering on most documentation for using a Raspberry Pi.
Like I said, confusing… I’ve always thought of “BCM” numbering as the physical pin numbering. If “BCM” numbering is the same as GPIO numbers, just call it GPIO. I understand that the GPIO labeling can change depending on how the library being used re-maps the GPIO pins, but that’s not often the case.
In the original post, he says he wants to use GPIO 4 (physical pin 7).
So I was correct to say that in the GPIO field in the setup he should be using 4, not 7, as 7 is the physical pin number for GPIO 4, right?
BCM numbering is not physical numbering. You can call it whatever you want, but all technical documentation refers to BCM numbering and physical numbering. We have no idea what pin the sensor is actually conencted to because we haven’t seen a photo of the board with the sensor connected.