First of I would like to thank Kyle for Mycodo, it´s an amazing piece of software that I have enjoyed for some time now.
Now to my issue, I´m running an Rpi 3B. It had a very old version of mycodo (and rasbian) installed, maybe 2 years out of date.
On this installation I had one SCD30 sensor, one anyleaf PH sensor and one anyleaf ORP sensor connected, everything was working fine until I no longer had any use for it and I put it on a shelf for a year.
Now I went to dust it off again and everything was still working fine, but since it was so out of date I went to upgrade mycodo. This broke everything, nothing worked. Ok. I´ll just do a fresh install.
I installed raspbian 32bit version and mycodo. So far so good.
I can detect all three sensors using i2cdetect and they also show up in the system information page, I get data from the SCD30 sensor but nothing from the anyleaf sensors.
If I run the example python script from anyleaf homepage, I can read and I get data from them so wiring and hardware seems to be working fine.
But I have no clue what my next step should be to get them working in mycodo.
Any help is appreciated.