Problem with PWM output

I’m having problems with enabling PWM output.

I go to the outputs page, select a GPIO PWM output, and after installing the required package I get the following error when adding the output:


This is the dependency install log:

[2021-10-15 19:40:19] Dependency installation beginning. Installing: file-exists /opt/mycodo/pigpio_installed

[2021-10-15 19:40:21] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] #### Installing/updating pigpio (internal)
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] #### Installing pigpiod
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] Error: Unrecognized command: build-pigpio
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] [option] - Program to execute various mycodo commands
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] Options:
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   backup-create                 Create a backup of the ~/Mycodo directory
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   backup-restore [backup]       Restore [backup] location, which must be the full path to the backup.
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]                                 Ex.: '/var/Mycodo-backups/Mycodo-backup-2018-03-11_21-19-15-5.6.4/'
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   compile-mycodo-wrapper        Compile mycodo_wrapper.c
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   compile-translations          Compile language translations for web interface
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   create-files-directories      Create required directories
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   create-symlinks               Create required symlinks
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   create-user                   Create 'mycodo' user and add to appropriate groups
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   initialize                    Issues several commands to set up directories/files/permissions
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   generate-widget-html          Generate HTML templates for all widgets
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   restart-daemon                Restart the Mycodo daemon
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   setup-virtualenv              Create a Python virtual environment
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   setup-virtualenv-full         Create a Python virtual environment and installs dependencies
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   ssl-certs-generate            Generate SSL certificates for the web user interface
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   ssl-certs-regenerate          Regenerate SSL certificates
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   uninstall-apt-pip             Uninstall the apt version of pip
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-alembic                Use alembic to upgrade the mycodo.db settings database
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-alembic-post           Execute script following all alembic upgrades
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-apt                    Update apt sources
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-cron                   Update cron entries
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-dependencies           Check for updates to dependencies and update
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   install-bcm2835               Install bcm2835
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   install-wiringpi              Install wiringpi
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   install-pigpiod               Install pigpiod
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   uninstall-pigpiod             Uninstall pigpiod
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   disable-pigpiod               Disable pigpiod
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   enable-pigpiod-low            Enable pigpiod with 1 ms sample rate
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   enable-pigpiod-high           Enable pigpiod with 5 ms sample rate
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   enable-pigpiod-disabled       Create empty service to indicate pigpiod is disabled
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-pigpiod                Update to latest version of pigpiod service file
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-influxdb               Update influxdb to the latest version
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-influxdb-db-user       Create the influxdb database and user
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-logrotate              Install logrotate script
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-mycodo-startup-script  Install the Mycodo daemon startup script
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-packages               Install required apt packages are installed/up-to-date
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-permissions            Set permissions for Mycodo directories/files
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-pip3                   Update pip
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-pip3-packages          Update required pip packages
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   update-swap-size              Ensure sqap size is sufficiently large (512 MB)
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   upgrade-mycodo                Upgrade Mycodo to latest compatible release and preserve database and virtualenv
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   upgrade-release-major {ver}   Upgrade Mycodo to a major version release {ver} and preserve database and virtualenv
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   upgrade-release-wipe {ver}    Upgrade Mycodo to a major version release {ver} and wipe database and virtualenv
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   upgrade-master                Upgrade Mycodo to the master branch at
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   upgrade-post                  Execute post-upgrade script
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   web-server-connect            Attampt to connect to the web server
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   web-server-reload             Reload the web server
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   web-server-restart            Restart the web server
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   web-server-update             Update the web server configuration files
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:21] Docker-specific Commands:
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   docker-update-pip             Update pip
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   docker-update-pip-packages    Update required pip packages
[2021-10-15 19:40:21]   install-docker-ce-cli         Install Docker Client
[2021-10-15 19:40:22] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:22] #### Disabling installed pigpiod startup script
[2021-10-15 19:40:34] Failed to stop pigpiod.service: Unit pigpiod.service not loaded.
[2021-10-15 19:40:34] Failed to disable unit: Unit file pigpiod.service does not exist.
[2021-10-15 19:40:35] Failed to disable unit: Unit file pigpiod_low.service does not exist.
[2021-10-15 19:40:35] Failed to disable unit: Unit file pigpiod_high.service does not exist.
[2021-10-15 19:40:36] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:36] #### Enabling pigpiod startup script (5 ms sample rate)
[2021-10-15 19:40:36] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod.service → /home/pi/Mycodo/install/pigpiod_high.service.
[2021-10-15 19:40:36] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /home/pi/Mycodo/install/pigpiod_high.service.
[2021-10-15 19:40:36] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod_high.service → /home/pi/Mycodo/install/pigpiod_high.service.
[2021-10-15 19:40:40] Job for pigpiod_high.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
[2021-10-15 19:40:40] See "systemctl status pigpiod_high.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

[2021-10-15 19:40:40] End install of file-exists /opt/mycodo/pigpio_installed

[2021-10-15 19:40:41] 
[2021-10-15 19:40:41] #### Setting permissions

[2021-10-15 19:40:45] #### Dependencies installed. Restarting frontend and backend...

After screwing up my powerstrip output the other day, I wanted to make sure everything was installed as intended, so I reinstalled pi os and mycodo fresh. Same result.

Thanks for the bug report. I just pushed a fix for this issue. If you would like to run the latest code with the fix prior to release, please upgrade to master. After upgrading, you may need to go the Configure → Raspberry Pi page and uninstall pigpiod then install pigpiod (5 ms)