Show Video (from sd card) in Dashboard


I am trying to setup my mycodo system so it generates a video of the timelapse fotos every night. And i want to show this video in the dashboard.

I already managed to use the “Execute Shell Command” action to generate the video at a predetermined time and store in a path of my choosing.
For the dashboard i managed to create simple custom widget (based on the spacer widget) to add a video tag with the corresponding url.

What i am currently struggeling with: Where should i place the video file, so it is accessible via the websever ?
Is there some sort of mapping of urls to file paths ?
Is there a folder which is normally accessible ?

I appreciate any help with this.

kind regards

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You can either expose a new endpoint in your widget that serves your video, or save them to a subdirectory of the /static directory that already has all of its contents available (see how the static css, js files are linked in the HTML).

Thank you that worked nicely.

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