Ssd1309 oled function dependency libtiff5 wont install

Trying to get a ssd1309 2.42 in Oled to work with mycodo but there seems to be a problem with one of the function dependencies.
[2024-02-11 10:40:45] Dependency installation beginning. Installing: libtiff5

[2024-02-11 10:40:45]
[2024-02-11 10:40:45] #### Installing/updating libtiff5 (apt)
[2024-02-11 10:40:45] Reading package lists…
[2024-02-11 10:40:45] Building dependency tree…
[2024-02-11 10:40:45] Reading state information…
[2024-02-11 10:40:45] E: Unable to locate package libtiff5

[2024-02-11 10:40:45] End install of libtiff5
A quick google seemed to show that it might not be supported after a certain update but i really dont know what im looking at. Was able to install with command sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev but dont know if thats a different version and incompatible and dont know how to get mycodo to use it. Any help would be appreciated but i really dont know any coding just google hahaha.

im having the same issue - is there any workaround to install a 1309 oled now ?

Thank you

Yea i was able to get it working, you can make a custom function copying ssd1309 and changing the dependancy to libtiff5-dev, or change that line in the original code. Think after all of that also got it working under ssd1306 so that might be worth a try before. This was a few months back so might have recalled a detail wrong or left out a step so if you cant get it working respond and ill do a fresh install and see if i can remmeber what i did lol.

:slight_smile: indeed the Function Configuration: Display: SSD1306 OLED 128x64 [8 Lines] is also working

Thanks for your quick Response