Tag Errors when adding Notes via Conditional

I noticed an issue with my notes not having the proper tags associated with them. I have a conditional controller that will create a note when the pH is adjusted. Last winter, It had been working without issues-- but now the note is created with a “TAG ERROR”. I am not sure why, as the note itself contains the proper tag associated…see below:

Here is the line of conditional code:

self.run_action(action_id_note, value={"tags": ["Pump_Additive"], "name": "pH Correction",}, message=self.message)# Create note

And here is the note created:

2022-12-18 09:40:48
pH Correction (TAG ERROR)

2022-12-18 09:40:47
[Conditional 28befab5-4173-4eb1-8ac1-0df551ef178e]
[Name: Nutrient/pH Regulation]

pH is 5.79405. Should be > 5.8. Dispensing 10ml base
[Action ef631f4d, Create: Note]: Create note with name ‘pH Correction’, tag(s) ‘Pump_Additive’.

I am curious if there was an update to mycodo between Feb’22 and now that may have caused this issue, or if I am misunderstanding the syntax for associating tags.

Thanks for your time!

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I just committed a fix. You’ll need to upgrade to master to apply the fix.

Thanks a bunch, Kyle! Appreciate all your work!

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