Hi everyone!
I’m currently trying to figure out the best specialization for a PhD while I wait to hear back from the programs I’ve applied to (mostly electrical engineering and computer science departments). I’m also working as a research assistant in a theoretical neuroscience lab that focuses on computational models of neural circuits using dynamical systems.
I’m deeply interested in the topics that span this forum and Kyle’s YT channel, which is why I’m reaching out here for guidance and thoughts. I find theory fascinating and mathematical models of biological systems incredibly useful, which initially drew me to theoretical neuroscience. However, I’ve also started exploring control engineering and have found a confident passion in electronics, ideally at the intersection of biological systems. Although, I’m not sure where would be best to position my research focus within that intersection.
Does anyone have any thoughts what might be good research focus areas to gain expertise useful for Radical DIY? I understand that pursuing a PhD isn’t necessary for this, although I’ve already been planning to go that route. I’m trying to avoid a situation where my real interests lie outside of my work / PhD topic. I realize that Radical DIY is heavily interdisciplinary, which might conflict with the depth required for a PhD topic. That’s why I’m looking to find the best focus to make the most out of what a PhD offers.
Thank you to whoever reads this, and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts!