Introducing the HiveBoard Carrier Board ecosystem. Designed specifically to make Mycodo setups easier to create and setup, but still giving the creator the full control of their system. Now available for shipping
with the connecting daughter board the DroneBoard, which adds some functionality (2 more EZO sensors and a JST-SH connector) to the system and makes the user controlled drone outputs easier to use
and finally the DroneBoard Basic if you just want a simple drone breakout board.
This board replaces the need for roughly $200-$250 worth of components, and you do not have to worry about wiring everything together, just plug into the board
if you have any questions please let me know
This project has been a 2 year personal hobby of mine which has grown to what it is now. I am just one person who made something that i want to share with the community. If you have any suggestions for the board, i will do my best to implement any reasonable ones to the next revision. The whole purpose of this project is for a DIY’er to easier deploy a system like Mycodo.
I am currently using the atlas scientific tentacle 3 boards with the ezo chips for the ph, do, ec, orp, temp probes but I have issues with inaccurate readings and needing to reboot my raspbery pi’s to get them corrected. No amount of board/probe cleaning resolves the issue. Your board looks like I can just insert the atlas ezo chips? I have a system that has 7 x ezo chips installed, is there anyway to have your board support this number of ezo chips?
In addition do you have a pi case for your boards?
you can hook up the board with a couple jumper cables if wanted. it only needs the 2 wires for i2c and there are 4 potential wires for the pwm if being used
it does come with a level shifter which is needed to work with the pi
wow very nice !
think too that’s what makes it much more easy to set up etc…
question… i’ll need 10 pumps connected … is it also possible?
I am also currently working on the next version of this, with all the feedback i have gotten from the early adopters. It is not a quick process for me to r&d one, so probably about 6-7 months away.
If anyone has anything that they would like to see with the new version let me know and i will do my best to incorporate.
so far the main things that have changed (not tested yet)
-no longer using l298n as the relay controls - replaced with 12 proper relays. each relay can be set at 5v or 12v based on jumper select - meaning the same 12 controllable outputs through the DroneBoards, you just now also have a voltage select option
-removed GPIO inputs to be replaced by mcp23017 chip
-no longer need level shifter
-removed 2 of the qwiic connectors and replaced with header pins
-new power supply which should be much better with heat and should not need active cooling -based off of MC34063ADR with additional power filtering
-added i2c boost chip to make those square waves more square
-the size has increased to 180mmX80mm to accommodate the relays
I havent received your board yet but in my current setup I really like been able to stack boards on top of each other using the gpio pins. I much prefer this to using cables/jumper wires. That would be a great addition for the daughter boards I think.
let me know when you get the boards if you still would like to see them stack. there really is not much use for them stacking i think. you would still need the ethernet cable for each board. there are no accessible gpio pins on the boards
The prototype for the second version is now sent to fabrication. Assuming it all goes well, i will be able to open for pre-orders once i get it received and tested and have the main order in production (prob about 1 month to get my prototypes, 1 week to test, then 1.5 months for the main order to be made. I was also able to keep the overall dimensions of the board the same, and now you can plug a esp32 directly to it, as another setup option instead of using a Raspberry Pi
I will still be having both version of the board for sale. The first version is basically a cheaper design option with some cut corners to help cut the cost (mainly using l298n’s as relays). The new version will be slightly more expensive to account for the higher component cost.
I am also going to be introducing another DroneBoard, a very basic one designed to be a information panel, which with the single DroneBoard connection will provide outputs for 4 generic LCD’s, the 4 relay controlled outputs from the HiveBoard, and 8 programmable led’s. cost of this board should be under $15. designed to act like a old 1960’s indicator panel. the below pic was inspiration. All DroneBoards will always be compatible with all HiveBoards
It appears the hive board has been discontinued and is no longer available. The poster hasn’t updated the original post, so I’ve gone ahead and edited it and will be locking this thread.
Kyle is right. there will not be a version 2. i still have around 10 boards of the first version left and once they are gone i will take down the website.
in the end i was basically selling them at a loss and didnt realize it. the first version had about 10 bucks of profit on it, and out of my orders i had one person have shipping issues which ended up costing me any profit i had to put towards the second version.
i was offered by some people to bankroll the second prod run, but i just did not feel safe for that.
i will be making it open source so if anyone wants to take over they can.
at this point anyone who wants the production files can have them. im still learning how to make it open source the easiest.
for any remaining orders will be giving away the droneboards for free so people can have full systems. have around 20 of the better ones and 30 of the basic ones left
@NIthalik thanks for doing this project. I ordered one off the site (hopefully that’s one of the few still available) and look forward to using it.
I also wanted to volunteer to help out with making this open source. I have some experience with PCB design, but I have a bunch of experience setting up and maintaining repositories. Let me know if I can be useful on this front, it’s a great looking design and I’d love to see it live on.